If you have chosen to read this article, chances are you have used Skype more than a few times and you are indeed searching for Skype alternatives. Back...
Running a remote team
10+ Startup Meetings to Help You Grow and Scale
If asked how many meetings you’ve been to in the past month, you probably won't provide a quick answer. But if asked how many productive meetings you have...
Team Communication Strategies For The New Decade
The beginning of a new decade has already been marked with the start of the year 2020. With everything that is going on around the world, this start may not...
Team Communication: 21 Games Every Manager Should Know
Do you want to turn your remote team from mere coworkers to friends who watch out for and collaborate with one another? Then it would be best if you...
How to Host Large Conference Calls Easily: The Ultimate Guide
If you’ve ever attended large conference calls, you’ll know they take serious skill to manage. From ensuring that the meeting starts early to managing the...
Business Communication – Overlooking Security Can Backfire
“Don't blow off another's candle for it won't make yours shine brighter.” ― Jaachynma N.E. Agu Privacy & Security - The Be and End All of Enterprise...
Work From Home Tips: How To Make Up For Missing Hallway Talk
Well, we all saw it coming… no, I am not talking about the novel coronavirus spread. I am referring to this new period of working from home and the...
11 Epic Things To Do When You’re Bored And Stuck At Home
With widespread social distancing and work from home directives, more than twenty-five per cent of the world’s population is currently stuck at home. Since...
Virtual Events Are Becoming A Norm Now – Here’s How
Businesses Accepting New Realities Abandoned roads, empty airports, trains and buses, vacant offices, shut down businesses, people forced into their homes,...