
Connecting Young Minds at NMIMS With TelebuJoin 

Header Image | A placard is placed on the wall. It reads NMIMS

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) exists as a highly regarded business school in Mumbai, India. 

In this case study, you’ll discover how:

  • TelebuJoin helped NMMIS to conduct a successful online quiz for hundreds of students.
  • TelebuJoin made NMMIS the most successful organisation in their college due to the back-to-back success in conducting their online quizzes. 

Let’s jump right into it.

Not enough features and no right platform

In the quest to conduct quizzes for law and management colleges in India. NMIMS was looking for a platform that would help them accomplish this. However, it was during the pandemic’s peak, and it was pretty difficult for them to conduct these offline. 

The problem:

  • The NMIMS team was constantly searching for a platform that could help conduct these quizzes online. 
  • Tragedy struck, as they experimented with a lot of platforms and couldn’t find the right one that would help them. 

After a while, they found TelebuJoin. 

“In the beginning, we found the platform was very different from others and offered several features that other platforms are seriously lacking,” says Visit Kumat, one of the committee members at NMIMS

TelebuJoin: the ultimate platform for webinars and quizzes 

The national quiz competition was approaching, and after finding TelebuJoin, they found the right partner in their journey. The contest was split into two parts. The first part was an MCQ round, with around 50+ teams and 100 + participants. 

“Even with so many people on the call, we didn’t see TelebuJoin stuttering at all. It was such a smooth call.” Says Kiran from the committee. 

The quiz competition continued without a single hiccup or hassle. We moved on to the next round. We had 4 teams in this round, which was a knockout round. 

Also, this round required a lot of screen sharing, and we wanted the participants to interact via video and audio clips. 

“It was a smooth sailing experience till the end” is what all committee members resonated with. 

TelebuJoin helped with a seamless experience for the competition. All the participants could join the quiz with a simple click on a link. This helped avoid a logistics nightmare and technical difficulties. 

Chetna Singh adds, “One of the main features that helped a lot for easy adaptability, as we didn’t need to download the software, it was easily accessible on a web browser and worked seamlessly.” 

The quiz brought in a lot of participants from India, which meant internet issues for the quiz. But Telebu’s Audio mode was exceptional and something they had never experienced on any platform. 

Chetna Singh explains, “Not everyone had a strong internet connection, and because of this audio mode feature, the competition ran smoothly without a single incident.” 

But that’s not all; TelebuJoin offers stellar customer support. 

Bipasha Nayak recalled, “There was once a time when it was 2 a.m., and we had a query, so we messaged a customer representative. They instantly replied to our surprise and resolved the query within minutes.”

The committee members said the quiz competition was a massive success, and the credit goes to TelebuJoin. 

Quote and video testimonial of NMIMS 

“Thanks to TelebuJoin, we were quickly able to become the most successful organisation in our college, who were able to conduct successful quizzes back to back for two trimesters. All this, even though our course was niche. The credit dutifully lies with TelebuJoin and our team,” Kiran from the committee. 

Connections made easy 

Start making your video calls easy with TelebuJoin. 

With stellar features like Audio mode, dedicated customer support, and HD clarity audio and video, your meetings are smooth and seamless. 

Contact us today for seamless video calls with TelebuJoin.

Sohil Guntagani

Sohil Guntagani

Sohil is a customer experience and tech maven. He's an expert with templatizing and structuring customer messaging strategies, as well as digging through tech products to help you understand how they work. He believes the best way to create content is through experience, or speaking to people who have experience.

